Chef Dammy, a Nigerian chef, recently attempted to break the Guinness World Record for the longest individual cooking session. Her efforts were celebrated by her fans, friends, and students.

Chef Damilola Adeparusi became well-known after it came out that she had spent 120 hours in the kitchen. Check out the FUOYE Welcome Back to School Party for Chef Dammy.

Since she did not formally submit her attempt to Guinness World Records (GWR), it was not recognized.

But Chef Dammy seems unfazed, and she’s just announced her desire to try to cook for 150 straight hours.

GWR just announced that Hilda Baci had completed the longest cooking session on record, prompting this decision.

The total time for cooking the baci was roughly 93 hours, 11 minutes.

Chef Dammy said in a recent interview that she had not formally registered her previous 120-hour cook-a-thon with GWR.

Many Nigerians have expressed their thoughts on the video of Chef Dammy being hailed as a hero in the comments section.



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