The country’s skilled engineers and the government should work together to build vast infrastructure, according to Tajudeen Abbas, speaker of the house of representatives.

This was stated by Abbas at Tuesday’s 2023 National Engineering Conference, Exhibition, and Annual General Meeting in Abuja, which was hosted by the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE).

Deputy Speaker Benjamin Kalu spoke on behalf of Abbas, who emphasized the importance of cooperation in the quest for long-term economic growth and development.

The keynote speaker remarked that the event’s topic, which highlighted the importance of engineering in creating the future, was in line with national ambitions.

To address the infrastructure gap in Nigeria, Abbas stated that the Federal Government’s National Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan (NIIMP), which was unveiled in 2020, planned to invest $2.3 trillion over the following 23 years.

He stated that the project demonstrated the importance of engineering in meeting the nation’s infrastructure demands and establishing a solid basis for economic growth.

The speaker emphasized the critical role of the legislature in passing efficient and prompt laws that allowed for the development of infrastructure.

He claimed that the legislature can unlock engineering’s revolutionary potential and stimulate private sector involvement by establishing a regulatory climate that is friendly to businesses.

In order to achieve long-term, sustainable development in the nation, Abbas emphasized the importance of the interface between engineering and governance.

To build an ecosystem that encourages economic productivity, improves social well-being, and promotes environmental sustainability is the true goal of infrastructure development, not just the building of physical features like roads, bridges, and power plants.

He stated that in order to achieve this synergy, a governance framework must be in place that encourages creativity, collaboration, and responsibility.

According to Abbas, infrastructure projects are carried out in an open, efficient, and standard-setting manner because of the legislature’s oversight function.

Keeping the executive branch in check, he continued, protects public finances and guarantees that Nigerians get the benefits of infrastructural investments.

According to Abbas, the idea of bringing together engineers and government officials is not new and has produced impressive outcomes in countries like China, the United States, and others.

To successfully navigate the complex technical terrain of policymaking, guarantee the success of policies, and avoid expensive mistakes, I believe it is essential to collaborate with technical institutions such as the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) through programs like short-term expert consulting.

Engineers, legislators, and stakeholders were able to come together at this crucial meeting, and I want to thank the Nigerian Society of Engineers from the bottom of my heart for making it possible.

Keep up the great work you’ve been doing and use your skills to help our country grow.

Since it is the House of the people, the Tenth is happy to have a productive conversation with the NSE. He emphasized the importance of your dedication to engineering excellence, saying it was crucial for Nigeria’s future prosperity and sustainability.

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