The late Chukwuemeka Ezeife was the governor of Anambra State.
Thursday marked the passing of Ezeife, an 85-year-old Igbo chieftain and veteran statesman.
Rob Ezeife wrote a statement on behalf of his family announcing his death.
An announcement was made on behalf of the Ezeife Dynasty of Igbo-Ukwu to announce the promotion to glory of Okwadike, Dr. Chukwuemeka Ezeife, CON. Ezeife has a long and distinguished history, having served as the first executive governor of Anambra State, a political adviser to the president, and a presidential candidate.
This unfortunate incident occurred yesterday at 6 o’clock in the afternoon at the Federal Medical Centre in Abuja.
“We will announce more details about the deceased and his state burial arrangements later,” he said.