2023 WTO Essay Award (CHF 5,000 Prize & Funding to the European Trade Research2023 WTO Essay Award (CHF 5,000 Prize & Funding to the European Trade Research Group's Annual Meeting).

The World Trade Organization has invited young economists to submit articles for the 2023 WTO Essay Prize. The award’s goal is to support high-quality research on trade policy and international trade cooperation, as well as to strengthen the link between the WTO and academia.

The WTO has several functions, including operating a global system of trade rules, serving as a venue for negotiating trade agreements, resolving trade disputes among its members, and assisting developing nations.

Requirements for WTO Essay Award Eligibility
The paper must address trade policy and international trade challenges.

The author(s) of the manuscript must hold or be working toward a Doctorate degree and, if over 30, be no more than two years past a PhD defense.

This criterion applies to all authors in the case of co-authored papers. Also, writings cannot be longer than 15,000 words in order to be considered for the award.

The winning author(s) of the annual WTO Essay Prize get a prize of CHF 5,000.

The reward for a co-authored paper will be distributed evenly among the authors.

The winning paper will be announced during the annual meeting of the European Trade Study Group (ETSG), the largest international trade conference.

The award ceremony will be held on The event will take place at the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom on September 14-16, 2023. The winning author will be compensated for attending the meeting.

An Academic Selection Panel is in charge of selecting the winning paper. The following people are on the panel:

Professors Beata Javorcik (University of Oxford), Robert Staiger (Dartmouth College), and Alberto Trejos (Dartmouth College) (INCAE Business School).

For more information, please visit:

Visit the Application Deadline: 2 June 2023.

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