According to Minister of Works Dave Umahi, the current food crisis in Nigeria is a prelude to the regimes of Bola Tinubu and former president Muhammadu Buhari.

Umahi blamed the escalation of insecurity stemming from the farmers-herders conflict that occurred prior to Buhari’s administration for the current food crisis.

Talking to reporters on Sunday at his rural Uburu home in Ebonyi State’s Ohaozara Local Government Area, the minister warned that Nigerians shouldn’t expect Tinubu to resolve the issue in his first nine months in office.

“The current hunger that everyone is talking about, didn’t start today,” Umahi claims. Several factors are being built up to. Conflicts between farmers and herders occurred for a long time before the current and previous administrations took office, adding to the underlying climate of insecurity.

The NEC committee for settling conflicts between farmers and herders had me as its chairman once. A lot of good came out of my travels through the states, particularly the northern ones, where I helped resolve conflicts between farmers and herders.

So, you think President Tinubu’s administration can address all those things in nine months? Not feasible. As I’ve already said, it’s the result of a chain reaction beginning in the past.

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