The capital of Yobe State, Damaturu, is home to tricycle operators who have gone on an indefinite strike over what they call the “extortion” by YOROTA officials.

Businesses have been impacted and passengers have been left stranded due to the strike action.

Confirming the news, Mohammed Inusa, chairman of the Damaturu branch of the Tricycle Riders Association, stated that association members had gone on strike without authorization.

“We were not consulted prior to this action, which violated our rules and regulations, and this morning we heard that our members have commenced strike,” he stated.

Rumor has it that YOROTA is trying to blackmail the tricycle drivers into paying a daily charge and requiring all riders to re-register with the company, with a fine of N7,000 for each infraction.

It was noted that tricycle operators had left all major and inner routes in the city as of the time this report was filled out, suggesting that the problem was still not fixed.

The public relations officer of YOROTA could not be reached for comment.

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