Kingsley Fanwo, the director of media and publicity for the All Progressives Congress (APC) gubernatorial campaign in Kogi State, has stated that the party is prepared for litigations following the state’s recent gubernatorial election.

Fanwo told reporters on Tuesday in Lokoja that hundreds of people’s homes were burned down or they were harassed on the street because of their political beliefs for every vote the APC received in Kogi East.

You, he told them, are the real heroes of our democracy. Unbiased observers from around the world have described the election as the freest and most peaceful since the creation of Kogi State, but those who waged terrorism on our democracy in a desperate attempt to make the impossible possible are now hopping from TV station to TV station to cry foul and create a contrary impression. This is a desperate attempt to divert public attention away from the theft they just committed.

He pointed out that it is absurd for a candidate who claimed to win exclusively in his zone to be screaming foul and demanding for the revocation of the results of the areas where he was heavily rejected.

Over the past 48 hours, individuals who are now coming to equity with unclean hands have altered the initial results in favor of the Social Democratic Party, and those findings have been widely circulated via social media. Their senior Nigerian attorney is already penning writings to persuade the tribunal to retain his ethnocentric services.

We have enough information to show that the Social Democratic Party’s ethnically focused candidate didn’t score as high as was recorded for him at gun point, making their recent experience with the Supreme Court questioning his understanding of law look like child’s play. In the event of a lawsuit, we will be prepared.

“To our people in Kogi Central, we thank you for turning out in your hundreds to concretise the supremacy of the All Progressives Congress in Kogi State. It’s not surprising that so many people showed up, as we also had a huge crowd at our event in Kogi Central. Voter turnout proved the throng at the rally wasn’t a fake. Forever in debt to you, we thank you.

Despite the fact that three parties fielded candidates from the area, the Kogi West Senatorial District gave six of the seven Local Government Areas to the All Progressives Congress. Your turnout and enormous support for the All Progressives Congress proved your faith in a united and thriving state where leaders are elected based on competency rather than ethnic discrimination. I can hear you all quite clearly and loudly.

Alhaji Ahmed Usman Ododo, your new Governor, will not let you down. He also stated, “Governor Yahaya Bello’s heroics in all sectors of the economy have made it easy for the All Progressives Congress to continue to win elections in Kogi.”

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