Members of the Boko Haram sect, also known as ‘Jam’at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da’wah wa’l-Jihd,’ have allegedly executed one of its Amir Jaysh (Leaders), Abou Hassana, over purported rebellion claims.

According to reports, Abou Hassana was executed in front of other combatants at Mandara Mountain in Gwoza Local Government Area of Borno State, along with three of his accused accomplices.

According to a VANGUARD NEWSPAPER story, Gwoza was once completely under the hands of Boko Haram after the terrorist group massacred roughly 100 citizens in a single day a few years ago.

According to the above-mentioned newspaper’s story, Zagazola Makama, a Counter-Insurgency Expert and Security Analyst in Lake Chad, Ali Ngulde, the Second Highest Ranking Boko Haram Leader, ordered their execution after they were condemned to death for their crimes.

According to Vanguard, Abou Hassana was allegedly attempting to form an own faction within Boko Haram to launch his own terror campaigns within the Koltafirgi hamlet, also known as Gaizuwa in Sambisa.

He was replaced by Alhaji Ari Hajja Fusam, a Bama native who led the Boko Haram terrorists in Gaizuwa before being driven out by the Nigerian military after suffering great losses.

Bakura Jega, a former Nakib, was promoted to Khaid, while Alhaji Ari Hajja Fusam and Ba’a Issah were promoted to Amir Fiye.

Muke, a 33-year-old Khaid of Mandara Mountain, Ali Ghana, Khaid of Ngauri in Banki’s northwestern region, Abbah Tukur, and Abu Isa will retain their seats as Khaids.

Remember that INFORMATION NIGERIA previously reported that a field commander of the Islamic State of West African Province (ISWAP) died three days after being bitten by a snake in Borno state.

According to reports, Zagazola Makama, a counter-insurgency expert concentrating on the Lake Chad region, announced this on Saturday via his Twitter profile.

Kiriku, who was injured at one of ISWAP’s hideouts in Damboa Local Government Area (LGA) in Borno on Tuesday, died on Friday, according to Makama.

According to the counter-insurgency expert, the ISWAP field commander died as a result of his inability to receive treatment for the snake bite wound.

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